While the documentation does not specifically state that connective tissue is directly effected by vitamin supplementation, all the areas of the body involved with the listed conditions and diseases associated with nutrient deficiency include connective tissue - for the majority of our physical structure is connective tissue!
But there's more to. my reasoning. Combining my professional experience with connective tissue (Fascia) with some intense self-study & self-testing using megadoses of these two vitamins, I have experienced profound reaches into scar tissue and fascial adhesion that I’d never before been able to access. This led to deeper access to trauma recall and dissolution of it from my physical experience. It brought profound shifts with my entire Governing Elemental Body, and frankly I am thrilled to be able to introduce this to you! It has truly been liberating. It is important to note, however that it is highly recommended that, more than these two vitamins, that a well rounded multivitamin be part of a healthy diet. One of these, that I have used and recommend is Ritual. As I played with Vitamin C, I found some interesting, and amazing avenues of remedy using this crystallized sunshine! And we will be using one of them during the Superbloom Detox Program - SunShine Foot Soak!