You made it! Ready?
One of the best ways to remove parasites and other organisms from the body, mainly the colon, is to starve them and flush the system with water. AS you know, this is what the SuperBloom Detox has been about.
In the first 2 weeks, we have successfully starved them of processed food, sugar, and all the other stuff they like to munch on allowing them to colonize. As well, if you partook in any enemas and/or hydrotherapy, they also got a good flushing. We also collected and flushed out the heavy metals. You are SUPER CLEAN, and energized huh? Feels so good doesn't it? You are doing GREAT! Let's keep going! At this point, in the unlikely event that there are any parasites left, they have no chance now. Now, we ramp up the starvation and whoosh!...flush with water. This part of the journey is also about spending some quality time with Water. As you likely know full well at this point, the Water Element manifests as your emotional body. The exciting thing about doing an Elemental Detox is that while you are "retreating" with your emotional body you will also be changing the properties of the water cymatically through your blessings and utilizing the work you've done with Linguistic Ballistics through the choice of language. Blessing the water as you prepare to drink it, cymatically changing the shape of the water not only as you drink it, but through your language choice, throughout your entire physical body. Once the colon/body has been properly cleansed, if clean eating continues, the systems will repopulate with the symbiotic bacteria to your bowels, friendly organisms keeping you in good health! |
And fortunately, once you complete these final days of the SUPERBLOOM Elemental Detox there is a very good likelihood that your healthy eating habits will continue, because cravings will have disappeared and your sense of clarity achieved through this Spiritual Alchemical process will continue to resonate with you.
If you don't already, you will feel the vibrational joy from your Governing Elemental Body - and be in communion with your Higher Consciousness. This is magnificent, indeed! As you go through these final 4 days, you may experience withdrawal symptoms from any of the things you may have had a chemical, parasitic, or emotional attachment to. Keeping an understanding of what is happening within the body can really help bolster our strength during the detox process. Keeping an ongoing team-building conversation with your emotional body to lovingly assure and support the rest of the body (mainly the mind), that you will not starve (but the parasites will!). I encourage you during those times, to read up on the Brain Candy Page about ketosis and autophagy , it will help to reinforce the logic behind what is happening in your body during these potential moments, and make it much easier to ‘handle yourself.’ And, of course, tapping into the support of the group on Telegram. Ideally, and typically, after 4 days of water fasting you will find that the things you craved no longer call to you. Because it was the parasite screaming for food. Or it was your body asking to be loved. So during the four days, hold tight and remain steady on path, because I know you can do this. And so do you. Thirst is often mistaken as hunger
If you feel hunger pangs, take a sip. The Water Element manifests in our body as Emotion. Since the ultimate emotion is Love, hunger quite possibly is your body’s call for Love. Self Love So let’s get into some Self Love, shall we? |