Observing your Language & Identifying your emotions
When it comes down to it there are really only two emotions.
Love & Fear. Everything else falls under the umbrella of one of those two emotions. |
Therefore, it becomes quite simple to decipher whether we are operating from a place of Love or Fear. Where it gets more complicated is identifying where the fear is rooted, and this IS something we can address. But first we cannot heal what is not identified. So begins the journey of self observation (without judgement). You must sit in the observer’s seat and disengage from any entanglements with any emotions that arise through the practice. You cannot change something in which you are twisted and ensnared! Or at least its super harder than doing it from an outside perspective.
Observation with discernment.
Having identified that there are really only two emotions, it will be easy to identify whether we are feeling Love or Fear. The question is then to discern which vibration you wish to be living in. This seems like an obvious choice, but when we get into things like resentment, guilt, anger, and especially judgement its something like an addiction. (it's something else, but feels like an addiction.) So we need to set the right intention, but we also need to use the right tools, and we also need to begin to come from a deeper place - understanding that we are Divine Beings. We are OBLIGATED to anchor the Divine here.
Much is revealed when we begin diving into the origin of language and uncover the original definitions. When studying Sanskrit, we learn that each letter of the alphabet holds a vibration, and when the letters are placed in certain order the vibration creates the defining characteristic of the word. Or something along that line. This would then hold true for every language. Yet when looking at the English language, I am stumped by how words have been redefined at the will of….who knows. I could guess, but that’s not what I’m here to bring to your awareness. Each word, when looking at the origin, may bring us to yet another word whose definition has been manipulated in some way. Or, what we have simply come to believe what it means. Then it is good to know that you may find yourself jumping through all sorts of winding paths as you unravel your inner atmospheric condition! In the observation of our emotions with which we use words to describe, we can learn a good deal about ourselves and whether our language is truly reflecting what we are feeling. The question is, Is this what I am REALLY feeling? And if so, then is it SERVING me and the GREATER GOOD? And if NOT, where is it located and how can I extract it? |
Your Action Items & ResourcesObservation, The first stepDiscernment comes next
Finally, Free WillHigh Frequency/Virtuous Language