The reason I suggest to add Himalayan or Celtic Sea Salt to your water is to create/maintain electrolyte balance. Table salt, as we know it, is chemically treated to remove the precious minerals found in salt. We need these minerals! And the pink and sea salts have them! If you have been salting your food with large brand name white table salt, you likely have an electrolyte imbalance.
If you have been using pink or sea salts, you may not need to add salts to your water. But I think its probably a good idea - especially if you choose to do the enemas/colonics (highly recommended). You can add lemon to the water to help with the taste (I prefer lemon zest, but others prefer the juice, try out what works best for you) Obviously then, a body will perform best in an alkaline (electrolyte balanced) state. This is simple to test by purchasing pH test strips available at the local pharmacy, or online. Many people will hold it under a stream of urine. I prefer just touching it under my tongue. It may not be as accurate, but it gets it close enough for me (wait 1-2 hrs after eating)! The most challenging for me to change was sugar. Sugar is highly addictive AND acidic. It is also quite the challenge to avoid, since it’s in just about everything that isn’t prepared at home! Try to drink a large amount of water FIRST THING in the morning and then throughout the day. Coconut water is also high in elecyrolytes Salt Water mix for the detox: 1 Tablespoon of salt of choice + 1 Liter water |
A pH of 7.0 is just at the middle mark & an alkaline state (balanced electrolytes).
A body in an acidic state can develop and attract all sorts of disease and discomfort (electrolyte imbalance). The Alkaline Recovery Juice
assist in getting the electrolytes in balance cucumber-celery juice Enjoy this Cucumber Jam session!!!